7 Ways To Passing Post UTME Into Any Institution In Nigeria
I will be showing you the top 7 ways to passing post UTME Into Any Institution in Nigeria.
For candidates to get admission to any higher Institution of their choice , it is normal to sit for different examination, which Post UTME is one of them, hold by the tertiary institutions.
Not all Universities hold post UTME many do screening for their candidates, Universities like UNIVERSITY OF ILORIN , OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY hold post UTME , now I will show you how to pass post UTME to any Institution of your choice.
7 Ways To Passing Post UTME Into Any Institution In Nigeria
This is very essential, you can find the past questions of the Institution and study them hard, this will make you familiar to how they set their questions and what it comprises .
2. Make Enquiry From Any Former Aspirant
This is a very wise thing to do , you can find any former aspirant who have successfully secure an admission to the respective Institution and ask different questions about how their post UTME is , questions like ;
How many questions they set
What subject it compromises – University like UNILORIN Sets English as their main questions with 3 to 4 maths questions irrespective of your department.
Duration Of The Exam – e.g UNILORIN gives 30 minutes for 50 questions.
3. Study HardÂ
It’s not over yet , Don’t stop reading , study really hard for the post UTME, it might not be easy as you think, but it is very easy when you study hard and prepare well for it.
4.Create a special time to study
Try to create a time to study so you will have enough focus on what you’re reading. It will make your learning easier ,faster and more fun.
5.Set Your Goal
Fix your mind on what you want and what you will do to achieve it . You can get higher score in the utme by putting in mind a particular score you want to meet up with or score more than .It will push you to improve in all aspect of your weakness
6. Believe In Yourself
Program your mind that you’ve already passed the Exam , think positively.
The things we think reflects in what happens to us.
We will be organising a Post UTME tutorial on edustuff join our WhatsApp group to join and stay updated.
Thanks for reading.
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