UBEC Exam Date, Venue and Time has been announced: UBEC announces new examination date for 2022 FTS, Federal Teachers’ Scheme Recruitment screening test.
This is to inform you that the UBEC Exam Date, Venue and Time has been announced for 2022 Federal Teachers Recruitment. If we can recall the examination date was earlier postponed. https://fts.admissions.cloud/home
Shortlisted candidates for the UBEC Federal Teachers’ Scheme Recruitment should note that the screening test, Computer Based Test (CBT) has been scheduled to take place as follows:
UBEC Exam Date, Venue and Time
DATE: Monday 16th November, 2020
Time: 7am prompt
NB: Verification of applicants shall commence at 8:30 am.
Venue: Designated Computer Based Test centres (CBT) in all the states capital and Abuja, Federal Capital Territory.
Candidates are to come to the CBT Centre with the following materials;
UBEC Required Examination / Screening Test Materials
I. Original copy of screening form.
ii. Original credentials for sighting and photocopies for submission.
iii. Valid ID card: National Identity Card, voter’s card, Driver’s licence, International Passport
iv. Face mask and hand sanitizer.
The address of the designated CBT Centres will be provided by the States Universal Basic Education Boards (SUBEBs) and at all UBEC zonal state offices.
- Have you bought UBEC past questions and answers, if not: CLICK HERE.
EDUSTUFF wish you all the best, if there is any changes we shall let you know, don’t forget to get the past questions and answers.
You can drop comment below.
please where is the venue for FCT
Go to your state SUBEBs office to make enquiry
From Delta state,where is my CBT test centre