TRCN Registration Form 2022/2023 Recruitment Portal | How To Apply Now

by MasterMind
4 minutes read

TRCN registration 2022, see how to apply for Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN), trcn registration fee, requirements, starting date, deadline, TRCN exam date, TRCN cut off mark and more.TRCN Registration Form 2022/2023 Recruitment Portal | How To Apply

The applicants will participate in the TRCN Professional Qualifying Examination (PQE) in the 36 states in Nigeria where each applicants register from. This article will guide you on how to register for TRCN online and become a professional teacher nationwide, the TRCN offices in Nigeria and more about the Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN).

TRCN Registration Form 2022/2023 | PQE

It is important for you to know about TRCN, what it means and its objective. TRCN fully means Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria, it is a department under the auspices of THE FEDERAL MINISTRY OF EDUCATION.

According to findings by Edustuff, it is saddled with the responsibility of licensing teachers in the teaching field of the country. Meanwhile, only holders of NCE, PGDE, B.Sc(Ed), B.Ed, M.ed and PhD certifications who are currently teaching or would teach in private or public schools of any type or level in Nigeria are licensed.

Is TRCN form on sale?

This also answers:

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Trcn 2022,

is trcn form still available

is trcn registration still on

is TRCN form for 2022 out?

Yes, the Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) form is out, kindly save this page or Click HERE to join our group to stay udated.

TRCN Registeration Fee and Categories

Ph.D in Education or
Ph.D in other field +
A N10,000 N5,000
M.Ed/MSc (Ed) or
Masters in other field
B N8,000 N4,000
B.Sc (Ed)/B.Ed or
Degree in other field +
C N6,000 N3,000
NCE D N3,000 N2,000

TRCN Registeration Requirements

To apply for Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) form, you need the things listed below:

  1. 2 recent passports
  2. Photocopies each of Certificate
  3. Birth certificate/Affidavit
  4. State/LGA of Origin certificate and
  5. SSCE/NECO cert.

Steps To Do TRCN Registration 2022 Form

Follow the procedure below to see how to register for TRCN successfully:

Check the table of Categories and price shown previously and choose any of them.

  1. Kindly visit the TRCN website via, you’ll generate a RRR (TSA) remitta through it with your correct full name, active email address and phone number.  2 separate PINs for payment (Registration and Annual Due)
  2. Proceed to make your payment online or at the bank.
  3. Ensure you print/get a confirmation slip ( proof of payment from the bank or online or email).

After all the steps above, kindly visit the TRCN OFFICE close to you, take along the credentials listed below with you:

Recommended: TRCN Offices in Nigeria Nationwide | Teachers’ Registration Council of Nigeria

  • Credentials photocopies (as previously listed in the Requirements in this article)
  • 2 passport
  • Bank teller of payment printout.

TRCN Exam Date 2022

There is no date yet for the examination, it will be communicated to the candidates later.

TRCN Examination is a Computer Based TEST (CBT) and candidates are required to answer 100 objective questions in 1 hour.

When Is TRCN Examination?

The examination takes place twice a year, June & October on a date to be decided by the Council.

Successful candidates of TRCN Examination

Professional Qualifying Examination (PQE) Successful candidate are to visit any of our state Office close to you with your teller/invoice and you will be issued a cash collection receipt to enable you process your registration.

More Information About TRCN


NCE 2,000.00
BACHELORS 3,000.00
MASTERS 4,000.00
PHD 5,000.00

Annual dues are to be paid at any Commercial Bank and the teller taken to TRCN office for documentation.

TRCN License Renewal 

A teacher is required to renew his/her license every three (3) years.

The teacher is required to have:

  1. Paid his/her annual dues consecutively for those three (3) years for his/her license to be renewed.
  2. Good conduct.
  3. Earning of credit units stipulated for professional development in the TRCN Mandatory Continuing Professional Development (MCPD) Manual.
  4. Regular participation in TRCN membership activities.

TRCN Upgrading

A teacher who earns higher qualification can change his/her membership grade (e.g. from B to A) by visiting TRCN office to complete a standadized upgrading form. Such a teacher will also pay the difference in the registration fee between the old and new grade.

TRCN Cut Off Mark

The cut off mark for the PQE is 50%. It qualifies candidates to proceed on proper registration.

Candidates who score below 50% have 2 more chances left to RE-SIT. Further failure attracts a minimum of one year probation. Such candidates are to undertake refresher courses before registering for the PQE. A re-sit fee is paid in this regard.

TRCN Registeration Deadline

Edustuff suggested that interested applicants should visit their state’s TRCN office to know the actual date for the commencement of registration, deadline and Examination date.

TRCN past questions and answers is important click HERE to get yours.

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Khalid mohammed nura February 28, 2021 - 7:42 pm

The more you practice the better you be come

Frank Onyemaechi March 3, 2022 - 8:18 pm

MY certificate on PhD 2020 Master 2019 and degree 2018 integrated science when I collect it?

Ajewole temitope oluwaseun August 3, 2022 - 9:34 am

Please am in ibadan north east local government iwo road and i want to submit my trcn form please where is the nearest office please


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