RSU Post UTME Screening Exam Dates 2022: Candidates who applied for admission through the Rivers State University, RSU Post-UTME screeninge exercise that the management has released dates for the second phase of the post-utme screening exam for 2022/2023 academic session.
DATE FOR RSU (RSUST) Post UTME Screening Date 2022
The Post-UTME screening exercise will take place from Tuesday 4th October 2022, at the Information Communication and technology Centre (ICTC) of the University. Candidates are requested to please note that Screening Exercise will be as scheduled on the screening exercise slip they printed out after their Online registration. The scheduled date, time and venue shall be indicated on the test slip.
Candidates are requested to please note that Screening Exercise is as scheduled in the screening exercise slip they printed out after their Online registration.
Consideration will not be given to candidates who fail to login and take the screening test on the scheduled date and time.
Consideration will not be given to candidates who fail to take the screening test on the scheduled date and time. All candidates for the screening exercise are required to stick to the examination dates on the test slip printed out during the online registration.
Parents, guardians and well-wishers are advised to stay away from the venue of the screening exercise.
Thanks for reading.