10 Ways to Pass JAMB, WAEC and NECO As a Science Student | Check Now

by MasterMind
5 minutes read

10 ways to pass JAMB, WAEC and NECO as a SCIENCE STUDENT,  a science student must know the bedrock and key things required to passing the mandatory exams established in our country. Bringing to you the 10 ways to pass JAMB WAEC and NECO as a science student.

As a science student you ought to have the fire in you to pass and eliminate every obstacle staring at your progress to pass all exams set across for you in your journey to into your university and career.




1.) Your desire: When we say desire, what does it mean? Your will to take on any tedious measures to get your desired result just like how computer turns data into information. You cannot wake up and think you will have success in your endeavors without the need and wants to read. A great man said “the moment you take decisions it shapes your destiny” so when you bend this your will and desires for long term runs and not short term fixes you have already accomplished quarter of your task at hand.

2.) Proper coaching/teaching: Sometimes students get it wrong when they think their teacher knows it all, your teacher or coach only brushes you through, you have to go and analyze and store this information brought no matter the number of teaching and knowledge given to you, if you don’t decide to use this you will never truly gain what you desire.

3.) Proper textbook: It is painful that most student fail to understand past questions and key points are just patches, these aren’t going to help you pass exams unless you get well illustrated textbooks with broad examples.

   Below are some textbook which can help you defeat the obstacles in your success of passing your exams be it waec or jamb as explained on Edustuff.


  •   New school physics make sure you do all exercises and meditate on how to attempt questions
  •  comprehensive physics this will help you on the written or definitions of certain terms and help you in summaries.
  • principle physics my favourite very detailed.

If you can’t get them all just get one and you journey towards success has only begun.


    Most students hate chemistry and find it boring but let me tell you if you can have the desire chemistry is really fun below are textbooks for your cause.

  •   New school chemistry.
  •    outline chemistry (this I recommend for jamb)
  •   Esential chemistry terms of definitions and examples get this.
  • our comprehensive chemistry really good its just like essential but a cheaper guide get it.


  •   Essential biology detailed for you (recommended for jamb and waec)
  •  Modern biology don’t use it if you can’t understand it.

 Maths and further maths

The both of them need intensive textbooks and constant practices I advice you get this books.

  •   Aditional maths
  •   Comprehensive maths
  •    General mathematics

Further maths get new project further maths (1-3)
These are things you need to have please let your desire be your priority.

4.) Confidence: Don’t be scared of jamb or Waec once you are set make a map of all you have read in your mind and as a science student you must know fundamentals very well and your S.I units never forget this so from this point I advice you be able to be flexible in questions know how to relate questions make use of your scientific method in real time.

P.S: if you are lost do not stay on one question move on, another question may even give you the answer to the older question, don’t waste time

 5.) S.I unit and conversion of unit: You must know this as a science student if you can’t convert and write S.I unit you have made a bedroom for failure so I advice you hit the details well I can’t write your exams for you but can give you ways to handle them.

6.) Time management: This is the major problem students have, instead of reading they look for shortcuts that will  later affect them and waste more time, thus making them go back to the drawing board. Time management in exam hall is also one you must put into consideration especially in jamb you must know how to be sharp. If you are good at calculations you can start with physics and maths depends on your subject combo.

know your strength and grab it by the hair and pull it. For waec you must go for questions that are short and be able to give detailed answers remember ever step has a mark.

7.) Say no to laziness: Don’t be lazy, read like a policeman is about to arrest you don’t be tired of reading because your future depends on it remember every decision shapes your destination.

8.) Goal setting: Don’t find it strange, get a paper now, write your subject If your doing waec or jamb or even both, write your desired result and strive to beat it.

9.) Be humble: When I say be humble be humble in your works and grace may fall on you, its not only reading but also prayers.

10.) Make God the centre of your success: Give God the glory ask him for what you want , don’t be scared He Is Your Creator, if you read and you have no God or grace my dear you will write exams and become regular customer of failure so the ball is in your court.

Thank you for reading
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1 comment

Joseph Divine July 3, 2021 - 6:17 am

Nice mr master mind… Your quotes really touch me and I see some things am suppose to do and am not doing them..thanks will work on them .


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