The Man Who Invented Exams and the True Reason He Did it

by MasterMind
2 minutes read

Why do you want to know the man who invented the exams? You’ve your reasons but in most cases some students will be so frustrated and will wish to know the origin of the thing giving them hard times, I guess. Meet The Man Who Invented Exams and the True Reason Why He Did it

In this article on Edustuff, you’ll get to know the man who invented the exams and the reason why he invented it.

Who Invented ExamsHenry Fischel

If we’re to do a trace in history which leads to many sources, Henry Fischel was the man and the first person who invented exams.

According to reliable sources after proper research, Sir Henry Fischel inverted the exams in the late 19th century, he was a professor in Indiana university back in the days.

Why Did Henry Fischel Invented Exams?

That’s a relevant questions and many people will want to know why, but it is simple and clear, he invented the exams to test his students.

When he was the professor in the university of Indiana, he always thought that students studies whole year, and next year passed to another class. Meanwhile who won’t want to know if what you’re teaching your students is actually not a waste of executive time. He had nothing to prove, whether his students are studying properly or not.

That’s why he concluded to create exams to test the students and we can all tell that what he did is actually the best thing to do.

Nowadays students keeps wondering why they’ve to do exams, reading, memorizing and puting it back to the book to test them, most students are tired of the whole system.

Unfortunately, exam has done bad too as doing good. It is now a game of grades and how many A’s you can collect this makes many students ends up in examination malpractice because of that fair of failure.

Examinations delete the fact that there is different between smart people and people who score better. – MasterMind

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