Osun State Teachers Recruitment List of Successful Candidates

Osun State Teachers Recruitment List
Osun State Teachers Recruitment Shortlist 2021: The Osun State Teachers Recruitment list of successful candidates for the 2021 applicants who passed the test and interview is out, see how to check your names now.
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The Osun State Ministry of Education wish to inform the candidates who scored a cumulative of 50% and above in the test and proficiency interview that they have be shortlisted for the final list of Osun State Teachers Recruitment.
How to Check Osun State Teachers Recruitment Shortlisted Candidates 2021
According to the Osun State Ministry of Education, the list of Osun State Teachers Recruitment will be available in the public domain by next week. Subsequent batches will be released at a later date, https://osun.gov.ng/education/.
NB: You are advised to check this page back for update on where to access the Osun State Teachers Recruitment final list of successful candidates or Osun State Teachers Recruitment Shortlist.
To assure long-term remuneration, the recruitment will be done in batches, thus the first combined list of 1000 most successful applicants will be taken from the 3170 applicants in the six important courses of English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Agriculture.
Thanks for reading, good luck.