Adamawa State University (ADSU), ADSU Post UTME / Direct Entry Screening Form 2020/2021 is out check how to apply, eligiblity, guidelines, cut off marks and closing date for 2020/2021 Academic Session.
ADSU Post UTME / Direct Entry Screening Form 2020/2021
Academic Division has written and proposed 7th September, 2020 for the commencement of online screening exercise for the 2020/2021 Academic Session Admissions. And it was approved. Based on that, I wish to suggest as follows:
1. That the online screening exercise for the 2020/2021 Academic Session Admission should be advertised on Television and Radio. Using the stations that have the widest out reach. .
2. That the advert should be done for three (3) days.
3. That the screening exercise should commence from Monday, 7th September, 2020.
In view of the above, you may wish to direct the Information and Protocol Unit to process the modalities for the advertisement.
This is to inform all suitably qualified UTME candidates who possess five ‘O’ Level credits including Maths and English and scored 160 and above points in the 2020 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), and DE candidates who choose Adamawa State University, Mubi as their most preferred institution (First Choice), that the screening exercise for the 2020/2021 academic session Admission is set to commence.
Also read:Â ADSU UTME Departmental Cut off Marks 2020/2021 is out
HOW TO APPLY FOR ADSU Post UTME / Direct Entry Screening Form
Candidate that are eligible will visit ADSU portal, click on Post UTME and fill in the necessary information.
Candidates who did not choose Adamawa State University, Mubi but are now willing, are advised to log onto JAMB website and effect change of their first choice of institution to Adamawa State University, Mubi.
A. The screening exercise will commence from Monday, 7th September, 2020.
B. Screening fee: N2000
C. Method of payment – ONLINE
D. Scan and upload relevant documents such as;
i. JAMB result/DE slip ii. ‘O’ / `A’ level results
ii. Candidates awaiting their ‘O’ Level result should state so.
iv. Candidates are advised to use their JAMB registration number as user name and surname as password (as on the UTME/DE registration slip).
For further enquiries, visit the University website OR contact:
Information and Protocol Officer: 07038132083
Admission Officer: 09023905527
Please note, no physical appearance is required throughout the exercise.
Thank you.
Signed Mal. Yahya J, Bobboi (Esq.)
Ag. Registrar