RSU Resumption Date 2019/2020: The resumption date for Rivers State University (RSU) / RSUST for the Commencement of 1st Semester Academic Activities for 2019/2020 Academic Session has been announced.
RSU Resumption Date 2020
Rivers State University, RSU resumption date is Monday 5th October, 2020 for 2019/2020 Academic Session as approved by The Senate of the Rivers State University.
The Senate further approved that from Monday 5th October, 2020 to 9th October, 2020 will be a period for revision for all returning students in a staggered pattern from Year 5 to Year 1.
RSU First Semester Examinations Timetable or Schedule
1. Year 5 Students – Monday, 12th – 16th October, 2020
2. Year 4 Students – Monday, 19th – 23rd October, 2020
3. Year 3 Students – Monday, 26th – 30th October, 2020
4. Year 2 Students – Monday, 2nd – 6th November, 2020
5. Year 1 Students – Monday, 9th – 13th November, 2020
Detailed information on the rest of the calendar of Academic activities for 2019/2020 session shall be communicated to all staff and students in due course.
Students who have paid fees but have not registered, including those that have neither paid fees nor registered are hereby directed to pay fees and register their courses immediately.
For the avoidance of doubt, we wish to reiterate that any student who fails to pay fees or register his/her course before the examination date will not be allowed into the examination hall.
All students are directed to observe COVID-19 protocols upon resumption as sanction would be imposed on any one found to be flouting this directive.
Dr. Sydney C. Enyindah
Registrar/Secretary to Senate