Courses You Can Study Without Physics or With D7, E8/F9

List Of Courses You Can Study Without Physics
As a science student Physics is known to be one of the important subjects, in this article you’ll see the list of courses you can study without Physics in your O’level result, some of the course require you to have at least a D7 / E8, so read carefully.
Most of the aspirants to give up after discovering that they don’t have Physics but this article will enlighten you more and show you the courses you can study in Nigerian Universities without Physics.
Recommended: JAMB 2025 Subject Combinations For All Courses
List of Courses You Can Study Without Physics
Some of the courses listed require at least D7, E8 or F9
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Astronomy and Space sciences
- Biotechnology
- Financial Mathematics
- Statistics
- Bioinformatics
- Microbiology
- Neuroscience
- Biochemistry
- Genetics
- Applied Mathematics
- Industrial Chemistry
- Agriculture
- Agricultural Economics
- Agronomy
- Anatomy
- Animal Production and Science
- Architecture
- Chemistry
- Biological Sciences
- Botany
- Transport management technology
- Urban and Regional Planning
- Zoology
- Building and building technology
- Mathematics
- Microbiology
- Statistics
- Soil Science
- Crop Production and Science
- Estate Management
- Fishery
- Food Science and Technology
- Forestry
- Geography
- Anthropology
- Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Arabic Language
- Communication Arts
- Creative and Visual Arts
- Creative Arts
- Criminology and Securities Studie
- Economics and Development Studies
- Efik Ibibio
- Arabic Language and Literature
- Communication Studies
- Comparative Religious Studies
- Criminology and Security Studies
- Drama/Dramatic/Performing Art
- Economics
- Arabic Studies
- Archaeology
- Art
- Chinese
- Christian Religious Knowledge/Studies
- Christian Studies
- Civil Law
- Classical Studies
- Common-Law
- European and Nigerian Languages
- Fine Art / Fine and Applied Arts
- History and Diplomacy
- History and Diplomatic Studies
- History and International Relation
- History and International Studies
- History and Strategic Studies
- Igbo
- Communication and Language Arts
- English and International Studies
- English and Literary Studies
- English Language
- English Language and Communication Studies
- English Language and Literature
- English Studies
- Igbo/Linguistics
- International Studies and Diplomacy
- Islamic Studies
- Islamic/Sharia Law
- Kanuri
- Languages and Linguistics
- Music
- Nigerian Languages
- Performing Arts
- Philosophy
- Philosophy and Religious Studies
- Political Science
- Languages and Literature
- Law
- Linguistics
- Linguistics and African Languages
- Linguistics, Igbo and other African Languages
- Linguistics/Edo
- Literature-In-English Language
- Mass Communication
- Modern Languages
- Political Science and Conflict Resolution -Under Art
- Portuguese
- Portuguese / English
- Private and Islamic Law
- Psychology
- Public and Private International Law
- Religious and Cultural Studies
- Religious and Human Relations
- Religious Studies
- Russia
- Russia with French / German
- Sociology
- Sociology and Anthropology
- Theatre Arts
- Theatre and Film Studies
- Business Administration
- Business And Entrepreneurship Studies
- Business Management
- Conflict And Peace Resolution
- Criminology
- Demography and Social Statistics
- Theatre and Media Arts
- Theology
- Yoruba
- Yoruba and Communication Arts
- Accountancy
- Finance
- Actuarial Science
- Arabic and Islamic Religious Studies
- Banking and Finance
- Tourism
- Human Resources Management
- Industrial Relations
- Information Resources Management
- Insurance
- International Relations
- Human Resource Management
- Law
- International Law and Diplomacy
- Library and Information Science
- Local Government Studies
- Marketing
- Economics and Statistics
- Environmental Protection And Resources Management
- Film And Video Studies
- Finance
- Geography
- Office And Information Management
- Personnel Management
- Philosophy
- Environmental Management
- Regional Planning
- Resources Management
- Public Administration
- History And International Relations
- Home Economics
- Mass Communication
- Administrative Studies
- Political Philosophy
- Political Science
- Political Science and International Relations
- Public Administration
Recommended: List Of Courses You Can Study Without Mathematics in JAMB and WAEC 2025
Thanks for reading.