Delta State University Post UTME 2022/23 form: This page will show you how to apply for DELSU post utme form for the 2022/2023 academic session, deadline for application, Delta State University Post UTME examination date, how to apply, requirements and more details.
Candidates for the 2022 UTME who are eligible and interested are invited to apply to Delta State University (DELSU) for the 2022–2023 Post UTME screening process.
- Recommended: List of Schools Whose Post UTME Forms are out for 2022 | Universities, Polytechnics & COE
NB: Candidates who chose DELSU as the first choice of University and scored 150 and above are eligible to apply.
Candidates are required to visit to generate a virtual PIN with N2,000.00 (Two Thousand Naira only). Payment should be made to any of the following banks.
- Unity Bank
- Zenith Bank
- Fidelity Bank
- Ecobank Plc
Ensure that Jamb Registration Number and Names are correctly entered. Errors will not be entertained.
How to Apply for DELSU Post UTME form 2022/23
- Visit
- Click Apply for Admission
- Click Start
- Select screening exercise
- Click Apply
- Complete the form with a valid JAMB Registration Number
- Submit the form and generate PIN
- Print out the PIN generated
- Visit any of the specified banks for payment or Pay online
- After payment return back to to print the acknowledgement slip.
- Visit
- Download folder
- Unzip the folder and open delsubio.exe
- Enter JAMB Registration number and Surname in capital letters to login
- Capture your right thumb and left thumb two times each till it turns green and shows Ok
- Click on save
Recommended: JAMB Cut Off Marks for 2022 is out | For UNIs, Polys Colleges
NOTE: Candidates are advised to use the virtual PIN immediately for payment, as it will become invalid six (6) hours after generation. Candidates are advised to read the instructions on the front page of the website before completing the form.
- Any person caught impersonating will be handed over to the Security Operatives and the candidate impersonated will automatically be disqualifed.
- Applicants and parents are hereby strongly advised to contact ONLY the
University website and or through
WhatsApp via 08053023824 (please no calls) for more information.
Closing Date for DELSU Post UTME form 2022
Application website for DELSU Post UTME closes at 6.00p.m. on Friday, September 16, 2022.
Thanks for reading.