OAU Postpones Post UTME Screening Exercise Date for 2021/2022
OAU New Post UTME Date for 2021/2022
The exam, which was originally set for October 27th-29th, 2021, has been postponed for November 10th, 2021.
The deadline for registering for the mentioned Post-Utme has been extended until November 3rd, 2021.
As a result, Intending Applicants who intend to register for the Varsity should take advantage of this chance, as the Registration deadline will no longer be extended.
- Recommended: List of Schools Whose Post UTME Forms are out for 2021/2022: Universities, Polytechnics & COE
More information on the Guidelines for conducting the post-UTME will be made available to the public in the near future.
The authorities sincerely apologize for any trouble this may have caused.
Thanks for reading.