AAUA Registration Procedure 2020/2021 Academic Session

AAUA Registration Procedure
AAUA Registration Procedure: This article will show you Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba, AAUA registration procedure for fresh and returning students for 2020/2021 academic session, Bio-data, required documents and more for Edustuff fans.
Edustuff wishes to inform the newly admitted / fresh and the returning students of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko, that the University Management has approved the following as the procedure for registration for the 2020/2021 academic session.
AAUA Registration Date 2021
The online screening and registration for Fresh students and registration for Returning students will commence on 15th August, 2021.
AAUA Registration Procedure For Fresh Students
- Kindly visit the AAUA portal via https://eportal.aaua.edu.ng/frontend/welcome/landingpage/_login
- If you do not have username and password, Click on “Create an account (Fresher Student)” link Otherwise, Login with your username and password
- Input your UTME registration number to verify that you have paid and confirmed your acceptance fee.
- If Verification is successful, you will be taken to account creation page to create your account.
- Fill the account creation form appropriately and submit. Your login credentials will be sent to your phone and email address immediately. You will then be directed to the login page.
- Login with your username and password to start your registration.
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How To Do AAUA Bio-data Registration
- After you succesfully login to your student dashboard on AAUA portal, click on Student Bio-data.
- It is compulsory that you fill all the sections accordingly. Under the Upload section, you will be required to upload the scanned copy of the following documents:
AAUA Required Documents for Registration of Fresh Students
- Passport (not more than 1 month old)
- Birth Certificate
- Certificate of Local Government of Origin, Court Affidavit
- Attestation Letter
- Jamb Admission Letter
- O/Level Result(s)
- NCE/ND/HND if Direct Entry
- click on “Finalize and Preview Bio-data Registration” under the Finalize section
- After clicking on Finalize, your O/Level results that you have supplied will be screened and if you passed, you will be instructed to generate invoice.
NB: You will not be able to generate school invoice and make payment at the bank if you fail to complete these sections appropriately and pass the online screening
In case you do not pass the online screening, please go to the Admission Officer for further assistance.
AAUA Registration Procedure for Returning Students
- All forms of payment including school fee are now available in your profile and payable ONLINE via CARD PAYMENT ONLY
Follow the steps below to make your payment ONLINE - Click on Payment
- Your payment due will appear as Debit under Student Ledger Section. Please note that this section will maintain all your compulsory due payments and the payment you actually make throughout your stay in the University.
- To make any payment, you have to select the payment, the level and academic session you are paying for.
- Click on View Invoice to preview the breakdown of the payment settings selected previous.
- Click on make payment via CARD NOW, you will be redirected to the UNIFIED PAYMENT GATEWAY to conclude you payment procedure.
- Once your payment is successful, go to Receipt Tab/Section and print your official Receipt
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NB: You can view/retry failed transaction(s) by clicking on Unsuccessful transactions, select the payment type and click on View to list all unsuccessful transaction(s) and click on the Retry Icon on the left-hand side against the said transaction
How To Do AAUA Course Registration
- After you succesfull login, click on Course Registration on your student dashboard on AAUA portal
- To be eligible for course registration, you must have paid and confirmed your SCHOOL FEE ONLINE VIA CARD ONLY
- Your courses will be displayed for you to select appropriately, submit , print and present at your department for approval
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AAUA Physical Screening
Kindly proceed to your faculty for physical screening and clearance.
Thanks for reading, click HERE to join Edustuff AAUA WhatsApp group, or https://chat.whatsapp.com/G0B22oYOHtQI7slvC7tla8.
Good luck!