Bayero University, Kano, BUK Admission Letter printing and Screening Dates, Time and Venue for Newly Admitted Students for 2020/2021 Academic Session.
All the candidates that have been offered admission should be informed that The management of the Bayero University, Kano (BUK) has said that they can now commence the printing of the Unofficial admission letter online for 2020/2021 academic session.
How To Print BUK Admission Letter (Unofficial)
All newly admitted student are STRONGLY ADVISED to print a copy of their unofficial admission letter in the link below. Please note that the letter is generated FREE OF CHARGE and would be required during the screening exercise.
Students are also advised to check their admission status on the Jamb site and download the Jamb Admission letter in addition to the unofficial BUK Admission letter.
To print your BUK unofficial Admission Letter, click HERE.
BUK Freshers Screening Schedule 2020/2021
Screening commences on A DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED LATER.
Online Registration starts on ON A DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED LATER.
- Recommended: BUK Admission List is out 2020/2021 Academic Session
Good luck!