NECO Commerce Questions and Answers 2023 Obj & Essay Expo


NECO Commerce 2023 Questions and Answers: Get Commerce 2023 answers Objective and Essay for Tuesday, 25th July 2023, Paper III & II: Objective & Essay – Commerce – 2:00pm – 4:40pm.NECO NECO Commerce 2023 Questions and Answers Objective and Essay

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NECO Commerce Questions and Answers 2023 Objective 

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(i) An employer is a person or an organization that hires employees to work for them, while an employee is a person who works for an employer in exchange for compensation.

(ii) An employer is responsible for managing and directing the work of employees, while an employee is responsible for carrying out the tasks assigned to them by their employer.

(i) Job Performance
(ii) Adherence to Policies and Procedures
(iii) Attendance and Punctuality
(iv) Professional Conduct

(i) Job Performance: Employees have a duty to perform their job tasks to the best of th

NECO Commerce 2023 Questions and Answers Objective & Essay

NECO 2023 Commerce Questions and Answers Essay

(1) Informing: Advertising provides information about products and services to potential customers. This can include details about features, pricing, and availability.

(2) Persuading: Advertising is often used to persuade consumers to purchase a particular product or service. This can be done through the use of emotional appeals, endorsements, and other tactics.

(3) Reminding: Advertising can also serve as a reminder to consumers about a particular product or service. This can be especially important for products that are purchased infrequently, such as cars or appliances.

(4) Branding: Advertising can help to build and reinforce a brand’s identity. This can include the use of logos, slogans, and other branding elements.

(5) Educating: Advertising can also be used to educate consumers about new products or services. This can be especially important for products that are innovative or require some explanation.

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(1) Control: Employers are typically in control of the work environment and have the authority to make decisions about how work is done. Employees, on the other hand, are typically subject to the direction of their employer and must follow specific guidelines and procedures.

(2) Compensation: Employers are responsible for paying their employees for the work they perform. Employees are compensated for their time and effort, while employers are compensated for the value they create through their business activities.

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(1) Perform assigned tasks: Employees are responsible for performing the tasks assigned to them by their employer. This includes completing work in a timely and accurate manner, following established procedures and guidelines, and meeting performance expectations.

(2) Follow company policies: Employees are expected to follow the policies and procedures established by their employer. This includes adhering to safety guidelines, respecting the privacy of others, and using company resources responsibly.

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