LAUTECH Rain Mid-Semester Exam Timetable for 2019/2020 | 100l


LAUTECH Rain Mid-Semester Exam Timetable: Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, LAUTECH Rain Mid-Semester Exam Timetable | 100 Level for 2019/2020 Academic Session.LAUTECH Rain Mid-Semester Exam Timetable for 2019/2020 | 100l

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All the Students of the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso (LAUTECH) should be informed that the rain mid-semester exam timetable for the 2019/2020 academic session is out.

LAUTECH Rain Mid-Semester Exam Date Schedule

LAUTECH Harmattan mid-semester exam (CBT) for 100 level students have been scheduled to commence from Monday 8th February to Tuesday 16th February, 2021.

LAUTECH Rain Mid-Semester Examination Timetable 2019/2020 | Test CBT

Attached Is The Draft 2019/2020 Mid Rain Semester CBT Test Time Table For 100 Level Students Your Perusal And Necessary Action(S).

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