JAMB Biology Repeated Questions 2025: Likely Questions

by MasterMind
6 minutes read

JAMB Biology Repeated Questions: The JAMB Biology Likely repeated questions will help you to know how Jamb sets it’s questions and it will increase your chance in scoring high in JAMB.JAMB Biology repeated questions

JAMB is likely to repeat questions, that is why the past questions and answers are important, so Edustuff decided to compile you some randomly selected JAMB Biology repeated questions.

Check some randomly repeated questions seen when writing Biology in JAMB.

Likely JAMB Biology Repeated Questions 2025

You’ll answer 40 Biology questions in Jamb if it is one of your selected subjects.

1. Which of the following is a homostatic response in humans?
A. Withdrawing the hand from a hot object
B. The mouth getting watery when food is sighted
C. yawning owing to tiredness
D. shivering in a cold environment

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2. The similarity among organisms belonging to the same group will be least within each
A. order B. family C. species D. kingdom

3. In Nigeria, the guinea savanna belt borders the
A. mangrove swamps and the sahel savanna
B. rainforests and the sudan savanna
C. desert and the sudan savanna
D. rainforests and the deserts

4. The population density of Tridex in an abandoned square farm land of side 200 m was found to be 5 plants per m . The population size of the plant on the farm is
A. 40
B. 1000
C. 40000
D. 200000

5. Secondary succession is much faster than primary succession because
A. pioneer colonizers are more in number
B. soil is already present
C. secondary seres require less nutrients
D. species competition is increased

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6. Which of the following is used to test for the presence of lime in a soil sample?
A. H2SO(aq)
B. NaOH(aq)
C. HCl(aq)
D. HNO3(aq)

7. The importance of practising crop rotation in agriculture is to
A. maintain soil fertility
B. improve the nutritional value of crops
C. control soil erosion
D. ensure the growth of crops

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8. The recycling method of solid waste disposal is unsuitable for
A. organic matter
B. glass
C. plastic
D. metal scraps

9. A non – renewable alternative source of energy is
A. wind generator
B. solar panels
C. nuclear energy
D. hydroelectric power

10. Which of the following is the best explanation for a child who is phenotypically short and born of two tall parents
A. The father possesses a gene for shortness
B. The mother possesses a gene for shortness
C. Nature makes the child short
D. Both parents possess gene for shortness

11. A yellow maize is crossed with a white maize and the first filial generation produce yellow maize only. The white trait is said to exhibit
A. dominance
B. recessiveness
C. codominance
D. incomplete dominance

12. Angiosperms and gymnosperms belong to the plants group known as
A. schizophyta
B. bryophyta
C. pteridophyta
D. spermatophyta

13. Which of the following are non-green plants?
A. Euglena
B. Fungi
C. Spirogyra
D. Angiosperms

14. Sting cells are normally found in
A. Flatworms
B. Hydra
C. Snails
D. Paramecium

15. Which of the following are differentiated into true roots, stems and leaves
A. Algae
B. Schizophyta
C. Pteridophyta
D. Bryophyta

16. To facilitate gaseous exchange, breathing roots have
A. stomata
B. mitochondria
C. cuticle
D. lenticels

17. The annulus of fern sporangium helps in
A. spore dispersal
B. conduction of mineral salt
C. trapping of light energy
D. water retention

18. One of the features which adapts Paramecium to its environment is the possession of
A. a regular shape
B. two nuclei
C. cilia
D. a pellicle

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19. In the earthworm, the cocoon is secreted by the
A. chaeta
B. prostomium
C. peristomium
D. citellum

20. The function of maxillipeds in crayfish is to aid
A. walking
B. swimming
C. feeding
D. respiration

21. The respiratory organ in the land snail is the
A. radula
B. mantle
C. tentacle
D. foot

22. The gill rakers of fishes take part in
A. feeding
B. respiration
C. swimming
D. diffusion

23. A wide pith with a ring of conducting tissue is characteristic of the root of
A. sunflower
B. maize
C. bean
D. okra

24. Which of the following is formed immediately after the first product of photosynthesis?
A. Lipid
B. Starch
C. Oxygen
D. Sugar

25. One of the accessory organs of the digestive system is the
A. Kidney
B. Spleen
C. liver
D. lung

26. The element common to protein carbohydrate and lipid is
A. hydrogen
B. sulphur
C. nitrogen
D. phosphorus

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27. The crown of the mammalian tooth is covered with
A. cement
B. dentine
C. caries
D. enamel

28. In the living cells, insufficient oxygen may cause a breakdown of glucose into
A. fatty acids
B. lactic acids
C. glycogen
D. carbon dioxide

29. Which of the following can bring about the greatest increase in the rate of transpiration?
A. Increased humidity
B. Reduced temperature
C. Reduced wind speed
D. Reduced humidity

30. In a food chain, each succeeding level in a forward direction represents
A. an increase in the number of individuals
B. a decrease in the number of individuals
C. an increase in the biomass of individuals
D. a gain in the total energy being transferred

31. The disaster that would have the least destructive impact on animal life and balance in nature is
A. chemical pollution
B. forest fires
C. oil spillage
D. grasshopper pests

32. The legs and beak of an egret resemble those of the heron because they
A. both feed on fishes
B. are both birds
C. occupy similar niche
D. occupy the same trophic level

33. The factors that determine the distribution of vegetation zones are
A. temperature, light, rain and humidity
B. light, humidity, air and mist
C. temperature, light, air and humidity
D. humidity, snow, frost and dew

34. A cross between an albino female and a genetically normal male will result in offspring that are
A. all albino
B. all phenotypically normal
C. all genetically normal
D. half albino and half normal

35. The pollutants that contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer in the atmosphere are
A. radioactive materials
B. oxides of sulphur
C. oxides of carbon
D. chlorofluorocarbons

36. Spines and shells on animals are adaptations for
A. physical defence B. camouflage C. chemical defence D. mimicry

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37. Blood grouping in human beings is derived from combinations of
A. two different alleles
B. four different alleles
C. three different alleles
D. two different genes

38. The older fossil-bearing rocks, in contrast to the more recent ones, are more likely to contain
A. animal rather than plant remains
B. invertebrates rather than birds
C. flowering plants rather than mosses
D. reptiles rather than fishes

39. In a group of male Agama lizards, the one with the brightest head colour is the
A. dominant
B. youngest
C. oldest
D. largest

40. An argument against Lamarck’s heory of evolution is that
A. acquired traits cannot be passed onto the offspring
B. disuse of body part cannot weaken the part
C. disused part is dropped off in the offspring
D. traits cannot be acquired through constant use of body parts.

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ayzee June 6, 2021 - 10:01 pm

pls where are the answers to the questions above

Favourite June 17, 2021 - 9:21 am

Please, I need answers to know where my mistakes are…

victor lee June 17, 2021 - 6:10 pm

is there no answer

Oluwatosin June 17, 2021 - 8:19 pm

Pls answer for d questions ooooo

Isaac June 17, 2021 - 9:11 pm

Please sir very interesting but there is no answer frantic help sir

Isaac June 17, 2021 - 9:38 pm

Only the number I can answer is this but all will be guess work

Emediong Ekpo June 18, 2021 - 11:47 am

Please I want to download the possible questions as PDF

Timothy Sani April 17, 2022 - 1:58 pm

Nice one

Joseph Ayomide April 9, 2023 - 9:52 pm

1. A 2.C 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C7.A 8 A
9. C 10.D 11. B 12. B 13. D 14. -15. D
16. A 17. D 18. C 19. D 20

Lekyon joseph chatoe January 17, 2024 - 7:14 pm

Verry fantastic


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