NECO Literature Questions and Answers 2023 Drama & Poetry Expo


NECO Literature Questions and Answers 2023: Get NECO 2023 Literature Drama & Poetry questions and answers for Friday, 14th July 2023, Paper II: Drama & Poetry – Literature in English – 10:00am – 11:40am.NECO Literature Questions and Answers 2023

NECO Literature Questions and Answers 2023

  1. In the play “Let Me Die Alone” by John Kargbo, Queen Yoko is a significant character whose role is pivotal to the story’s development. Queen Yoko is the ruling monarch of a fictional African kingdom and represents power, authority, and leadership. She provides wise counsel to her people, and she stands up for justice and fairness. Queen Yoko is also a strong advocate for the means of maintaining peace in her kingdom, even if it means engaging in military action. At the same time, she has a softer side, as she finds ways of reconciling and unifying her people after a particularly turbulent period of turmoil. Ultimately, Queen Yoko serves as a moral compass to the other characters in the play, and her role in the story is crucial.
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NECO 2023 Literature Questions and Answers 


In “The Lion and the Jewel,” Wole Soyinka explores the tradition of bride price and its significance within the Yoruba culture in Nigeria. The play delves into the conflict between modernity and tradition, highlighting the tension that arises from the clash between the two forces. In this play, bride price serves as a symbol of sacrifice and the power of tradition.

The village’s elders view bride price as an obligation to be upheld for a successful marriage. They emphasize the importance of bride price, arguing that it is a necessary tradition that implies respect for the woman and her family. The younger generation, on the other hand, regards it as a way to exploit women and deprive them of their freedom by forcing them to marry a particular suitor.

The protagonist Lakunle and his love interest Sidi are in disagreement about the significance of bride price in their relationship. Wh

10. “Leader and the Led” by Niyi Osundare is indeed an allegorical poem that takes on a deeper meaning beyond its literal interpretation. Through this allegory, Osundare explores the power dynamics between individuals who hold authority (the leaders) and those who obey their orders (the led). The leader is portrayed as a powerful figure who demands obedience and submission from the led, using their authority to take advantage of the vulnerable. In contrast, the led are depicted as powerless, having no say in the matter and being forced to submit to the leader’s will.

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